Ingredients for sharing life around the table.

Herbs & Spices

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Herbs & Spices

We carry the best organic herbs and spices to be found. They are the foundation to an excellent meal. You can also choose from our vast selection of blends and gourmet rubs to create delicious meals to share life around the table with. 

Herbs and Spices are available in stores only, but you can now shop our rubs and seasonings online. 

Honey Chipotle Rub

Honey Chipotle Rub


We use as little salt as possible in our spice blends and dry rubs and instead prefer using other ingredients in higher amounts for the best flavor possible. We use salt to enhance the flavors of the other spices and herbs not to be the dominant flavor characteristic of the blend. Apply our Honey Chipotle Rub liberally on all sides of your chicken, fish or pork. As a rule of thumb we recommend starting out with 1 tablespoon of rub per pound of meat (for fish use half that amount). Because of the salt in this blend there is no need to use any kind of brine or marinade. Once the rub is applied we like to let the chicken or pork "marinate in the seasoning" in the fridge. Once the rub has worked its way into the meat, it will look wet and tacky.  Be sure to touch up any spots where the rub didnt take during seasoning prior to cooking. For best results apply the rub to your chicken or pork at least 2 hours in advance of hitting the grill, oven or smoker. For fish or seafood only let the seasoning marry for about 30 minutes before cooking. Our Honey Chipotle Rub is blended from granulated honey, sea salt, onion, paprika, chipotle powder and Italian seasoning. This blend has the ideal balance of sweet and heat. We absolutely love the sweet taste provided by the honey combined with the smoky flavor of the ground chipotle powder. The granulated honey really helps to form an ideal crust that all good grilled or smoked chicken, fish and ribs should have. The crust helps seal in the moisture and makes for a juicier meat.

3.5oz per jar

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Lemon Pepper 1.9 oz


Smokey Citrus Salt 3.5 oz


Everything Bagel Seasopning 2.9 oz

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Applewood Chipotle Rub 3.3 oz


Mediterranean Dry Rub 1.55 oz
