Ingredients for sharing life around the table.

Herbs & Spices

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Herbs & Spices

We carry the best organic herbs and spices to be found. They are the foundation to an excellent meal. You can also choose from our vast selection of blends and gourmet rubs to create delicious meals to share life around the table with. 

Herbs and Spices are available in stores only, but you can now shop our rubs and seasonings online. 

Honey Chipotle Rub 3.2 oz

Honey Chipotle Rub 3.2 oz


Honey Chipotle Rub is one of the very first rubs we developed, and to this day it remains an extremely popular chicken rub. Honey Chipotle Rub was our first foray into "sweet heat" territory, and we are certainly glad we took the leap. While it is a simpler rub, with just a few spices and herbs, the flavor is outstanding and unique, making it a go-to for our chicken loving customers!

Honey Chipotle can be used on all kinds of meat but is especially suitable for chicken. We love it on beef, pork, and fish as well. Try it on vegetables and even some pasta dishes, like macaroni and cheese Ingredients: Granulated honey, sea salt, onion, paprika, chipotle powder and Italian seasoning

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Honey Chipotle Rub


Spaghetti Seasoning 1.5 oz

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Applewood Chipotle Rub 3.3 oz

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Frozen Pizza Seasoning 1.1 oz


Italian Seasoning 22.4 grams
